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Crop Share- 2 people

This share will feed 2-3 people a week, and runs for 18 weeks. June 2- Sept 29th. You can expect seasonal produce, herbs, 'made-on-farm' products, and at times we will have produce from other local farms to supplement our boxes with things we don't grow. A full list is available via email, as well as the shareholder agreement, and information about our special events here at the farm, for shareholders only. If you are here to purchase a share, please follow this up by emailing us so we can send you a packet of info! 

If you sign up and pay by Feb. 1st, you'll receive an extra box of produce in October! Pay by Feb. 15th and receive one free herb share during the summer. All payments are due by March 1. 


Crop Share- 2 people

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